
Our University Futsal Team Visited Our Rector

01.05.2024 10:48

Our University's Futsal Team came 2nd with its performance in the Inter-University Regional League Competitions held in Erzurum on April 20.

The team was coached by Faculty of Sports Sciences Assoc. Assist. Cengizhan Sarı drew attention with his impressive performance in the competitions. In the first match, the team defeated the host Erzurum Technical University 10-8, then Gümüşhane University 11-3, Karadeniz Technical University 9-4 and Ağrı İbrahim Çeçen University 3-0 and reached the final. Our team, which lost to Atatürk University 10-3 in the championship match, completed the group stage in second place with 12 points.

After this success, our Rector Prof. Dr. Mustafa Alican hosted the team in his office and congratulated them for their success. Prof. Dr. Sabit Duman, Dean of the Faculty of Sports Sciences, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Atike Yılmaz, Vice Dean Assoc. Dr. Mustafa Önder Şekeroğlu, Vice Dean Assoc. Dr. Mustafa Önder Şekeroğlu, Head of Health, Culture and Sports Department Şükrü Çobanoğlu and Coach Research Assistant. Assist. Cengizhan Sarı also attended.

Rector Prof. Dr. Alican congratulated the team and said, "You represented our university in the best way with this success. We are proud of your performance and fighting spirit. We wish you and our coach Cengizhan Sarı continued success."

With this success, the Futsal Team of our university has continued the successful line of our university in the field of sports.